Cigars are our passion, and our tobacco shop was created to share fine cigars of distinction with our valued clientele. Our first branch opened in 1998, in Oakville, ON. Two decades later, we are the preferred premium cigar shop chain in Ontario, Canada. Our five locations operate in Toronto, London, Oakville, Burlington, and Mississauga. When you decide to trust in Havana Castle Cigars, you are primed to access premium cigar quality and unforgettable taste and flavour. We import premium cigars from Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Cuba.
When you make a selection from our wide collection of fine cigars, our management will help you consider the cigar body (i.e., the flavor strength of a premium cigar) and size to maximize your smoke shop experience. Havana Castle Cigars offers cigars with mild, medium, and full-strength body at various lengths (i.e., five-inch or seven-inch) and a wide range of “ring” sizes (diameter of a cigar). For more information, call us at +1 (905) 397-7788 today.
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